Searching For A Feeling

Life + LoveReflections
July 3, 2016 / By / Comments Off
For almost as long as I can remember, all I have ever wanted is just to be happy. And even though I knew that’s what I desperately sought after, I had no real clue of what that really meant or looked like for me. For years, I made major strides trying to figure out what […]

Mother’s Day Aftermath

May 13, 2016 / By / 2 Comments
With Mother’s Day fast-approaching this past weekend, unlike the majority of my friends who were busy planning outings with their Mom’s and/or children of their own, I un-purposely forgot to give it a second thought. For some reason, I always think that it is at the end of May, so it wasn’t until a day […]

Turning Back Time

Life + LoveReflections
April 30, 2016 / By / Comments Off
I was listening to a podcast the other night before I went to bed, and it talked a little bit about letting go of, and forgiving ourselves for mistakes that we’ve made in the past. I think this is definitely an area of my life that I struggle with now, way more than I ever did […]

As I leap into my forties and the chapter closes on These So-Called Thirties, a new one begins with Her Midlife Manifesto. This is my collection of thoughts and writings on life, love loss and other randomosities as I make my way through midlife’s complex journey.